Monday, 11 April 2011

I guess I've been taking a bit of an unplanned hiatus from everything...

At the end of last year, I somehow managed to give myself tennis elbow. And wow, is it painful.  Sadly, over the last few weeks it's been coming back again.  I've got myself strapped up, and will hopefully get to the doctors tomorrow, but essentially when it's sore I can't do anything that puts too much strain on it.  So that's no sewing, no baking, no playing piano... sad times!

However, when things haven't been too painful, a lot of fun has been going down :)

On Saturday some friends and I went to our local bit of greenery, Ferry Meadows, for a picnic.  I love picnics!  A few of us rode our bikes there and back, it felt quite Enid Blyton-esque.  Except with more Prosecco :)

Kayla and I took some time out to go cloud spotting too!

Some other snippets of life-at-the-moment:

Making a very cute dress from these curtains the mamma bear thrifted for £1!

Rediscovering my love of playing piano, and Simplicity patterns being on sale in John Lewis

Learning new songs on my ukulele

Hanging out with Lilycat, because she's all of the adorable :)

Hope you're having fun whatever you're up to!

Jen xxxx

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